Remortgaging is full of possibilities, and mortgage renewals usually come around every 2-5 years throughout the term of your entire mortgage.

When your initial product term is coming to an end, if you don’t remortgage, your rate may automatically revert back to your existing lender’s current Standard Variable Rate (SVR), which is usually higher than the rate you would have initially taken or those available in the market today.

When the time comes, we strongly recommend that you have a chat with one of our specialists to see which lender has the right product for you, as it may not be the lender you are currently with.

You may just be on the market to secure a more competitive rate to help clear your mortgage quicker – we can help.

Alternatively, you may have just had a new born and realised you need a little bit more space but don’t want to move home. That’s not a problem. We can help you remortgage your house to raise some capital to help fund an extension.

In the future, you may want to help your children with their wedding or funding the deposit for their first home. We’d be delighted to discuss and assist you with anything that will help you and your family.

It’s a very long list of how we can help when remortgaging. Just give us a call and we can discuss your options together.

Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.