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Protection & Insurance

A mortgage is most likely to be both, your greatest debt, and your largest monthly outgoing. Here at Chestnut Mortgages, we want to help you minimise the risk you take on with a mortgage, and there are a number of ways we can achieve this in the way of protection and insurances.

We feel we have a responsibility to ensure that you are adequately covered and we offer this as an obligation free service. It is always worth discussing with our specialists so that you have a deeper understanding of the risks and the protection you can set against them.

Here are just a few of the most popular ways to significantly reduce your risks, but of course, we will discuss all options with you during our appointment to make sure we can determine what’s most suitable for you.

Life Assurance

There are various types of life insurance available, but the aim behind this is to ensure that your family is financially protected should the worst happen to you.

Critical Illness Cover

Critical illness cover provides the policyholder the security of a tax-free lump sum payment if diagnosed with a critical illness as defined by the particulars of the insurer and the terms of their insurance.

Income Protection

This cover provides a monthly benefit in the even that you are taken ill or suffer an injury that prevents you from working.

Family Income Benefit

Family income benefit is similar to life cover, however instead of a lump sum payment this is paid out in monthly instalments to help with the day to day life and expenditure.

Buildings and Contents Cover

Buildings cover is a legal requirement and will also be stated within the special conditions laid out within your mortgage offer.